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Lilly, 5 1/2
We were walking down the street when we noticed this blondie watching how daddy fixed the car. Normaly kids are not dressed this unique, but they crave for Pokémon- or football shirts. It seems like she's already headstrong when it comes to choose her outfit. But what's up with the dad? Didn't Vivienne Westwood say that you can NOT be overdressed.
Fresh complexions, skirt with squares combined with polka dots and coloured boots. The poncho and hairband finish it off nicely.
Sebastian & Judith & Kristin, 24, students
Check out how the outfit of the right girl fits with the graffiti above her. The detail that attracted our eyes was the geometrical haircut of Kristin.
Black tone with jeans is always on the safe side. Chequered jacket is well combined with that pink and the shawl and gloves make the outfit complete. The red belt also gives a nice accent.
Tei, 31, artist
She had something of a cowgirl-aura surrounding her in that outfit. She said that her friends didn't really dig it, but we did. ;P
What you see here is the use of different layers, wich makes the outfit quite interesting. Blue and brown is a classic combo. And "diamonds are a girl's best friends".
Yuko, dancer
She was not dreaming (Träume=dreams) at all with her bubbly bag. Actually she was preparing for a dance performance.
This outfit reflects a style of one's own. The colourful ensemble stays in balance because of the black used in the upper part and pants. The glasses and the huge bag are so fine.
Martin, 37, actor
Sexy grey, ain't it? And this silver is nature's gift to him. Fine combo and that small red belt is some nice eye-catcher (why is the shirt tucked in, by the way?).
Aldo, 37, artist & Wiebke, 25, designer
Aldo: nice laid-back attitude. Varicoloured shoes look cute, but unfortunately it's not so visible on the picute. Shawl and cap make this a full-blown outfit.
Wiebke: conspicuous appearance. Tight jeans and marvellous shoes. She works with different styles, but they all match, wich makes her look so absorbing. The Alice band and this flower fit her hair and her shoes. Nicely done.
Natalie, 29, translator & stewardess
Très chic, très èlègant. Very well-balanced combo. Black makes it very classy, but the light blue makes it more light and very pleasant to look at.
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