Alve, 23, Designer from Stockholm
Vintage jacket, cardigan, t-shirt, shoes, and hat,
Self-made pants
27th April 2009 Well I have no images to show you yet. Lovely Chris Lucas (photographer) is going to re size them all for me - should have them by Thursday. His new studio is in a very old falling down court house in the centre of Bristol - tucked behind a police station. I loved it at first, old mosaic floors, beautiful wood everywhere and huge court rooms off the long dark dusty corridors...amazing photo shoot possibilities. After lunch Chris said "it is haunted, do you want to know about the ghost?' (looking at me as if I might be scared) of course I said yes and so heard about a horrible ghost man with sticking up wiry hair and pointed teeth. After that I could not go to the loo or anywhere on my own, jumped at every strange noise and followed Chris about everywhere. Later he told me he has slept there ALL NIGHT in the 'holding cells' with a group of ghost busters - I then started to think he was having me on - but apparently they communicated with the ghost man and it 'came through' that his name was KEVIN. hum. However silly it sounds to you now the building was as creepy as anywhere I have ever been and my arm hairs were up and down like a mexican wave. I was very happy to leave.
26th April 2009 Tomorrow we are finally shooting new stock for the website - its all ready along with my mannequins and steamer etc..........
I've mainly chosen summer pieces for now - lots of cream and white dresses - a few sweet cotton 1930s day dresses - tops (one amazing huge puffed sleeved victorian bodice) and a few rare tribal pieces, huge skirt, 60s cotton kaftan, 70s maxi dresses and little mirror top with ties at the back - very sweet - will show you all tomorrow. I had a Sunday off today - beautiful lie in, breakfast, bit of very needed gardening and then watched my son play football against some rough lot, his team won 9 - 7. I did find my self jumping up and down and shouting "get down there" (meaning the goal) and "come on" (at boring bits) in a Delia Smith type fashion. Robert said afterwards that he wished I could just watch......
have a look at these lovely belts...more coming soon, all colours and designs...all vintage.
20th April 2009 I had another brilliant day at Hammersmith - it was very busy so no time to shop for me which is good for the bank balance. A few famous faces as usual and lots of designers - so many stalls there this time that Harvey (selling amazing tribal art jewelry) was outside the front doors! Next Monday 27th I'm doing a stock shoot with some of the beautiful pieces I have collected for the website.....ruched white Victorian dresses for the beach, Edwardian blouses and lots more....
18th April 2009 Just madly steaming and packing for Hammersmith Vintage Fair tomorrow - I have got some incredible pieces to show - 3 rails this time and a small table of exquisite accessories - I went to the Vintage Salon event last night at The Octagon, Bath, last night - very very good and clever to give me a glass of wine on the way in (thank you Sallie and Sue! - I spent lots of money on myself and a few bits for the stand, Liz Van Hasselt took a rather embarrassing photo of me trying out an 80s dress - hope she does not put it on her blog (please dont liz) xx. Hope to see you tomorrow xx
Later on the 15th April...just received some pictures in of a shoot that was styled by Lou @ Ruined ( and photographed by WWW.FILIPK.NET... and features my vintage pieces, great model too - details to follow - here are two for now - all will be on the homepage asap.
15th April 2009 Phew - Wed Master was on holiday not kidnapped as I feared - finally I have been able to sort out orders and in next few hours will be able to see my emails! still keep using this email for now: I am doing a shoot in 10 days time with lots of new dresses to put up - do let me know if you want me to bring any of them to the fairs. I have one dress in particular that is amazing - a Red SIlk Lavin from the 1950s (thank you Emma xx) - labelled - it will be coming to Hammersmith this Sunday the 19th - do email me for free tickets. More are some Pink 1950s Joseph Larose shoes to look at for now...slim size 4 - 5 UK....perfect for summer.
I had a good web searching night and found a blog by which is great - has a personal touch and briilliant images and links to great designers like this one - I love zips and this jewellery is perfect for my secret punk image (maybe I'll wear it out one day...) have a look at these! ....the bracelet is on my wish list. Here's another piece just put on the website and sold already! Moschino t - shirt dress...snug and stretchy with gold coins.
2nd April 2009 Brilliant lucky week! We (me and Big Robert) went hunting vintage across the country and found some incredible pieces, some of the best I have ever seen infact - I will be putting some on over the next couple of weeks, including a head dress from the 1920s...quite a few of the pieces are from Africa and the East Indies, huge garments, crazy bracelets and a very beautiful Matador costume from early 1900s, it is red velvet with gold lace inserts and other details that are secret for now- it is AMAZING!! We also found some sweet nude coloured flapper dresses, one is fringed and the other beaded, these need a little fiix up and clean - will have them ready asap as they are perfect for summer.... and one amazing black couture beaded 1920s dress - this is coming to the fairs this weekend....I've just put a few later pieces on the website....the four dresses pictured below are available now. I'm off to do my stand in Stroud - the lovely Subscription Rooms - on Saturday 4th and in London at Cecil Sharpe House near Camden on Sunday 5th April - if anyone would like more information please see the fairs page and / or email me for free tickets. xx