Ugh. I have basically abandoned my dear little blog, this has made me very sad. I have been entirely too busy for my own good with a new job (which has been stealing little pieces of my soul by the day) plus I have had no internet at my apartment (which has made blogging impossible).
But I miss blogging, & it is my 2011 goal to invest more time into pretty little vintage & also more time & energy into my etsy shops. I have been really slacking on all of my passions & this must change!
I am home for the holidays & have about a week off before I travel back to Denver. I am doing lots of reflecting on life & am hoping to get a new job when I get back & leave the soul stealing one.
Anyways, enough about that...Merry Christmas to those of you still following my little blog & I promise you (& me) that I will be posting more this new year.
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