Hammersmith Vintage Fair was amazing on Sunday, I sold my latest Ossie (quorum, black cuddly), my gold, black and silver sequin encrusted 1920s dress with waterfall sides and a whole lot of other pieces too - lots of accessories this month - including my crazy hats.....felt flower cloches, lace and straw, lambs wool toppers and my best ever a little straw front tilt hat from 1912...so sweet. My friend Sam on the stage had the only CD in the building - Dirty Dancing soundtrack and it played on REPEAT all day, it was very funny... but not so funny to have it in my head for the last blimming 3 days. So, I am off for a few days to Cornwall and then to some secret buying locations...well I think they are secret? July 4th is the last Hammersmith, in fact my last vintage fair, until September NOT including the amazing Vintage At Goodwood of course - do email me if you would like a code to get 25% off your tickets, the line up continues to astonish me and my roller boots are by the door waiting for their 'on the wood' disco session....http://www.vintageatgoodwood.com/artists/musicbyarena/thewarehouse.aspx Norman Jay is my best DJ so I hope I can get away from my stand to dance (on skates of course) when he is on...the organizers just sent the rules and regs package, yikes, fire extinguishers? Tarpaulins? Not the cosy dry indoor town halls I am used to these days.
Lastly, I met a man at my local coffee shop, and got talking (i never stop it seems) and his daughter is a print designer, amazing geometric patterns...her name is Heather Reid and the dress on the left is hers.....bought up by Oasis, wish I could find one for me - they don't seem to be on the website (oasis) at the moment...I quite like the roses one too.
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