A big thank you to Vicky from http://www.saumarez.co.uk/ (she sells beautiful vintage inspired lingerie) for sending me a photo of her wearing a dress from my website....she wore it to the launch of her website and looks fantastic....
I had a great day at Hammersmith on the 12th, really busy but still managed to try on a Vivienne Westwood dress...it looked like a wind sock on me but Louise tried it on, looked fab and bought it there and then...how we did not notice it until nearly 5 pm when it was on the stage, on a mannequin, I don't know. Now getting ready for Frock Me! This Sunday the 19th...and the valuation day at Dreweatts and Bloomsbury on Friday the 17th... Brian and Roger aka Frock Off Its Mine (the couture collectors from Bath) are coming to help me for hte day so we are going to have some fun xx More soon - Samaya x ps the Evening post photo was ok after all, even little Rob liked it! if you ignore the silly hand on belt bit of course...will try and get a jpeg from them to put on here.
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