Vintage camera I found for $3.00 at the thrift store,
I am going to take her to the camera shop soon to see if she actually works.
If not she makes pretty decor.
A bronze elephant piggy bank from my grandfather.
It was sitting in my parents basement so I decided to let him live out in the open for a while.
He is really really heavy, so I think he might be real bronze.
Ok this one isn't really vintage but it looks like an old frame painted a fantastic orange color.
I love this frame, I think it would be an fun project as well.
Inside is a postcard of the US with my current state of CO popped out.

Below are two of my favorite vintage pieces in my home.
They are antique porcelain shoes & I think they are adorable.
I love shoes, so these guys have a special little place in my heart.
What are some of your favorite vintage pieces in your home??
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