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Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Hot hot hot

WOW its so hot here - not to make anyone jealous but it only took 1 day for me to switch pace from city, auction, ill relatives and mad packing worried person to super relaxed, massaged, brown (ish) full belly, nice beer and happy human....my Nan went home after some checks, she has had a small tiny stroke and is fine now, so glad but ready to go home anytime if she goes back to hospital. Here is a bit about the journey that I scribbled in my notebook (real not cyber) on the way....no images as I am on internet cafe but do google koh jum island for a great website if you want to see the beaches where we are!
3/2/11 Bangkok airport, boys are doing my brain (or brian as i like to call him) in. I must stop smoking, its been four years since I have done a long flight and I forgot how ratty I get!! London to Bangkok was good really, I was a bit concerned about the age of the plane, there were ashtrays everywhere and no personal screens and lots of rattling, little Rob asked if it was a 'vintage plane'....hum. A loud Londoner behind us kept the poor couple seated next to him entertained with stories of his life all the way (10 hours) at one nicoteenless moment I nearly turned around and said "enough you silly man, can't you see we are trying to sleep?" Later the same day we took the domestic flight (still no cigarettes as Bangkok is suddenly a none smoking terminal) to Krabi and experienced the most terrifying landing ever - the 'driver' seemed to speed up when we were wobbling towards the ground and then banged us down like an angry wife serving dinner, I am ashamed to say that I shouted out : "Jesus Christ" (I don't usually) and was so relieved when we slowed and stopped in one piece - a ceiling panel next to us had fallen down and the airhostess shoved it back in place like it was normal - I asked her if everything was ok and she said "Old Plane New Pilot" in her lovely Thai voice. So another vintage plane. Robert (little) had been worried about the flight since we let him watch Castaway (Tom Hanks) so he was white as a sheet. Anyway, in one piece (or 3 pieces) we bussed it into Krabi Town, had some lunch and checked into a guest house (ChanCha Lay - six quid a night and you soon see why) I wore my new 'fit flops' and promptly gave them away to a Thai lady, they make your feet look horrid horrid horrid. Big Rob has already made friends with so many Swiss, Swedes, Germans and Thais that I can just lie in the hammock reading and looking out to sea where little Rob is kayaking around the bay...absolute bliss! Love Samaya xxxx

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