I know this is not a usual fashion type blog for me but I had to get it all off my chest! I went to my sons parents evening last night (wearing 50s trapeze coat, big big pearl earrings and jodpurs - I wont go into what the others were wearing ho ho) and had a slight rage at another parent...he suggested that the children would be better of spending their time doing some activity other than SWIMMING! Outrage among other parents, my friend and fellow parent said later (in the pub for debriefing) that she could feel the, er, strong disapproval, flowing his way. I tried to be as polite as possible and keep quiet but he kept on about it being a waste of time so I said: "It sounds to me like you want to stop the swimming lessons because your son does not like swimming" (my son has me up to date on all his peers) He and his wife denied it straight away, then a couple of other parents spoke (more eloquently than I) and said how important it was to learn and that some families never go swimming etc...then the topic luckily moved swiftly on to baking cakes etc for school fairs...I must learn to not let others wind me up and not to take things so personally...I will let you know how I get on...Ah, just remembered that yesterday I had to go into a chemist to collect something for my lovely pregnant sister, I asked her "can I get this in another chemist?" the last time I was in there they were so so rude that I haughtily told them "I will never buy anything from you again" and marched out...I hope they did not recognize me, had a big white wool hat on and collars up...only for you Sis. It seems to have been a day of slightly difficult communications as I also told the Natwest cashier that I did not want to come in a discuss my account as I find those meetings boring...and beeped my horn at a few rubbish drivers while taking my mum to the airport which is totally unlike me..perhaps I am pre menstral? Today I will use only my best manners and smile calmly at the parents after school....xx samaya
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