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Thursday, March 31, 2011

At Home: Adriano Sack

Yesterday I visited Adriano Sack, a journalist and author who moved to Berlin some weeks ago after years in New York, choosing Kreuzberg's beautiful Planufer as his new home. He found an apartment just by the canal, which needed extensive renovation since the former renters had a distinct preference for wooden interiors (imagine a bathroom with wooden panelling on walls and ceiling, combined with a pink bathtub, or a kitchen completely designed in pine wood). After painting everything white and furnishing it with personal items like the disco ball he found on the streets of New York one day and the beloved elephant lamp, Adriano starts to feel home again in the city he left many years ago.
Adriano is the founder of I like my style, an online style community that started printing a member generated magazine featuring whose new issue is just out!.


PS, something personal: excuse our lame content production these days (weeks.. months!) I am currently working on several exams to finish my studies and it's harder to combine this with the work on the blog than I thought...

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