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Saturday, April 2, 2011

Jammin' Session At My House...

Little Rob and his mate Rueben are here 'jammin' on the drums and guitar, its very loud but they sound pretty good - Jimi Hendrix and Black Sabbath tunes blaring, some strange amp called and 'orange crush' making it all distorted....Its been a crazy, mad and emotional week, cycling up and down to the hospital to give food to my sister Jo- she is still in there looking after little Rudy who is not yet better and it breaks my heart to see him all pale and weak. Meanwhile, little Rob got pushed around at school, this time by a boy 4 years older, my little brother had a car crash (unhurt thank goodness) and then (only a small thing really but hurt feelings none the less) as I was getting home on my bike last night a gang of 5 thugs (I am getting old) were coming down MY road and one of them got in my way (there was plenty of room) and called me a very, very, very rude word. I was bursting to say something back but glad I did not. I had an angry cry when I got home, big Rob made me laugh about it and gave me a whiskey. End of moan. Otherwise all is well here, my spring wardrobe is all cleaned, shoes are mended, basics added to and its all looking great. To get some relief from the real world, messing about with clothes is perfect, there is some strange comfort in having plenty of good things to wear. I did squeeze in some fun things this week...Sylvie took me and our other old friend Katie out for dinner at Bells Diner (bottom of my road, no driving, safe to wear high shoes, beautiful waitress...) (http://www.bellsdiner.com/) on Wednesday night, such lovely food - thank you again Sylvie xxx I ate wood pigeon for my main course, never had it before & it was very red - I had to look away to eat it, such a wuss. The next morning I awoke to the sound of my own garden wood pigeons hooting away in their tree. Never again I promise. Love Samaya XXX

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