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Tuesday, April 12, 2011

she hit pause...

Welcome to my new favorite etsy shop - she hit pause studios

It really doesn't get any dreamer than this! To create these beautiful textures, colors & vintage styles artist Matt Schwarz takes large format polaroid transfers that he shot & rubs them onto water color paper. I don't really know how the process works exactly, but it produces something magical. 

All the photos were shot in Matt's Brooklyn apartment, Costa Rica, Peru, Ecuador & the Dominican Republic. 

Not surprisingly his work has been featured in Anthropologie (I mean things this pretty are meant for Anthropoligie right?). I am sure he is destined for big things in his future. 

Take a peek below at some of my favorite images from Matt Schwarz shop she hit pause studios below - all links are provided at the end of the post.  

For reals, you must check out this shop - it is pure magic!

I want to thank Matt for allowing my to showcase his dreamy images & I wish him the best of luck in the future :)



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